Compression Therapy

  1. In stage 1, seamless stockings which are circular-knit could be used (e.g
    ). Any treatment procedure, like Bodyform systems or electrolipolysis, to extract
    fluids from fat deposits should be followed by compression to yield the desired
  2. In stage 2, compression therapy aided by stockings with seam which are flat-knitted
    is advised by medical experts. This is to be used simultaneously with mechanical
    compression therapy.
  3. In stage 3, complete decongestive therapy can ease painful symptoms. Infrared treatment
    is also advisable.


Medical tip

Basic therapy against this medical condition is medical compression garments like

  1. Lipomed basic
  2. Lipomed bra
  3. Lipomed face

Medical compression garments are prescribed by the doctor if required, and the patients
are measured for the correct fit by specialist medical retailers (e.g. surgical
appliance dealers): the user’s relevant measurements are taken so that the compression
garment matches his anatomy exactly.