

Inadequate calcium intake mits the bone growth of children & adolescent below
the anatomically desired level. For older adults the adverse effect is an acceleration
of bone loss leading to osteoporosis and osteoporotic fracture.
Total daily calcium intake required:

  1. 600 mg for children up to 4 years
  2. 800 mg for children between 4 & 10 years
  3. 1300 mg for teenagers
  4. 1000 mg for adults below & equal to 50 years
  5. 1200 mg for adults above 50 years
  6. 1000 mg during pregnancy/breast feeding


Vitamin D

Calcium intake is absorbed into the blood with the help of Vitamin D. Thus production
of Vitamin D is very important and can be achieved in the skin with the aid of UVB
radiation (available from sunrays).
Thus exposing oneself to sunrays through outdoor activities helps in preventing osteoporosis.

  1. Sun exposure for 5-10 minutes on bare skin, such as the arms and legs, 2-3 times
    weekly improves vitamin D status with minimal risk of skin damage.
  2. Adults can increase their daily vitamin D intake by taking a supplement that contains
    400 IU, the amount in most multivitamins.
  3. Older adults and those who avoid sun exposure should take extra vitamin D for a
    total of 800 IU/day.